With a fast-paced world and countless technological advancements, it is impossible to miss the latest inventions in the tech world. One such invention is smart cars; sleek, stylish, and most importantly, smaller than the average big and heavy vehicles, smart cars are buzzing in today's world.

However, a few questions arise: Are smart cars reliable? Can they give you a smooth ride wherever you want? This article covers a few potential issues to consider before buying a smart car.

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Fire Hazard Alert

Despite smart cars being an environment-friendly alternative to standard gasoline and diesel cars, they are also at a considerable risk of catching fire. The wiring inside the vehicle has a high chance of getting short circuit.

Even though the battery temperature range of ordinary vehicles is higher than that of smart cars, there are various components of a smart car battery that are easily prone to catching fire since they are made up of explosive material, implicating a shorter thermal runaway. Some smart cars are reliable as they use lithium-ion batteries, which are prone to explosion.

However, such batteries have specialized cells that, when powered, can delay the damage by releasing a cooling liquid to prevent the sparks from creating a fire.

The Problem With Hacker Attack

Are smart cars electric? Yes, they are highly susceptible to being attacked by cyber hackers. Are smart cars reliable since they can be connected to the phone through the internet? This advancement allows hackers to pirate the connection and install a virus. Many parts of the smart cars are reliable but are also controlled remotely.

Through this, the car's software can be easily controlled by hackers, which can lead to auto theft and accidents.

Shorter Mileage Problem

Smart cars are electric, which undoubtedly has a significant impact on luxuries. But are smart cars reliable for long distances? The answer is no; the longer the journey, the shorter the mileage of a smart car. Therefore, smart cars are not the best options for long drives or even a trip to a nearby state.

In addition, using the air conditioner or a heater also contributes to decreasing the mileage range of a smart car. This issue is very frustrating as the car battery takes more than four to five hours to charge after such a short drive. Many smart car owners plan their road trips accordingly to stop at points with charging stations to enable a smooth journey.

Heavy on Wallet If You Are Tight on the Budget

On average, when it comes to financial expenditure, smart cars are considerably more expensive than ordinary vehicles. Their maintenance also requires a hefty allowance. Moreover, charging them daily for four to six hours at least puts a burden on the electricity bill.

The main reasons smart cars are more expensive are the components used in manufacturing and the battery used in them being designed with a different structure and adaptability. Regardless of the expenses, potential buyers of electric smart cars tend to focus on the long-term benefits of their use, including zero fuel usage and sustainable living.


Smart cars are trendy due to their small size, making it easy for drivers to drive conveniently. But this small size has its drawbacks as well. First, it can only take one passenger, which means this car is unsuitable for an individual with a family. Shopping, whether grocery or some personal items, is only possible if done conservatively and very few items are bought.

Dull and Unappealing to the Eyes

When purchasing an automobile, people usually strive to choose a vehicle that looks good and a color that looks decent. Smart automobiles need an exceptionally stylish and appealing appearance.

This color theory influences those who wish to purchase a smart car in their selection. Considering how fresh they are on the market, smart automobiles still require much work to meet everyone's demands.

Though hailed for their ease, intelligent vehicles have a concerning drawback: a severe invasion of privacy. These cars continuously gather personal data, including biometrics and basic information, to create a complex user profile. This data is sent by smart automobiles to manufacturers and frequently outside parties.

The breadth of the coverage is concerning; it includes digital, demographic, financial, location-based, biometric, and personal aspects—even going so far as to include private information like genetic and sexual behavior. Data mining goes beyond the car; it looks into other sources to find more information on race, immigration status, income, etc.

Drivers' ownership over their data and the necessity for firms to handle it ethically are two issues as smart vehicles develop. As smart cars become the norm, the possibility that automakers could become data miners raises privacy concerns. This concern also leads to questions about whether smart cars are a good investment and whether smart vehicles are reliable.

Compromised Safety?

Due to the intricate supply chain's reliance on outside vendors, automobile manufacturers face challenges. Suppose both tier (one and two)suppliers are not subjected to strict cybersecurity regulations. In that case, car components may become compromised in terms of security, and using fake parts might jeopardize safety by impairing essential functions like braking.

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How Can a Smart Car Become a Better Option?

The abovementioned issues might make a potential buyer skeptical about investing in a smart car. However, looking at the points mentioned below can help you make a well-informed decision before purchasing a smart car.

● Utilize a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt online connections, rendering stolen data useless to cybercriminals. This private network will help secure your data from any possible hacking systems.

● To limit the amount of information shared, modify the privacy settings on programs and cell phones. Say you want to hide or reveal the location when using the app. This privacy measure will ensure personal safety at all times.

● Update the software on your smart car regularly, just like you would with a computer, to ensure that the latest updates are installed on time.

● Learn about privacy rules to understand your rights, such as the details of data collection and the ability to refuse to share your data with third parties.

To Sum It Up!

Are smart cars reliable? Are smart cars electric? You will reach your desired destination despite only some trustworthy options. Users can take advantage of the few infrequent troubles due to their superior engineering structure. They are fantastic if your commute is short and there is enough parking in your city.
Smart vehicles are a distinctive addition and are well-liked by individuals who value excellent design, superior engineering, low fuel consumption, and parking options. Ultimately, you have to decide if a smart vehicle is the appropriate choice for your lifestyle because every car has its specific problems.